Saturday, 27 July

Red lady of Bosnia – Woman has been surrounding herself with the color red for 40 yrs

Odd News
Zorica Rebernik

Ever since she was 18 years old, Zorica Rebernik, a 67-year-old woman from Breze, a small town in Bosnia, has been surrounding herself with the colour red, even getting married in a red gown, and attending funerals in red clothing.

Rebernik, a retired schoolteacher, lives in a bright red house filled with red furniture, eats from red plates, drinks from red glasses and sleeps on red bed sheets. All the clothes in her wardrobe are red and she even dyes her hair red. The only non-red appliance in Zorica’s home is a white heater, which she only agreed to after her husband, Zoran, insisted. She has been surrounding herself with the colour red for the last four decades of her life, and today she is somewhat of a local celebrity because of it. Everyone knows her, and some even offer her red things as gifts, the woman said, adding that she would reject anything that wasn’t red.

“When I was 18 or 19 years old, I suddenly felt the urge to wear red. I don’t know how to explain it, I can only say that I listened to my body,”  Zorica Rebernik told journalists. “Whenever I found a red garment, I just had to have it, and I couldn’t stop until I surrounded myself with red.”

Zorica’s commitment to the colour red didn’t even wain on her wedding day when she married Zoran in a red dress. She also attends funerals dressed in the conspicuous colour, and recently had tombstones made for herself and husband Zoran out of a special, red granite important from India.

Zorica Rebernik is in good company here on Oddity Center, where we’ve featured other colour-obsessed people, like the Green Lady of Brooklyn, Miss Sunshine and The Yellow Man of Aleppo, and who could forget Wanda Matthews, who turned her home into a shrine to the colour pink.



Source: Odditycentral