Wednesday, 12 March

C/R: 38 L100 students withdrawn from UEW

University of Education, Winneba, Central Region

The University of Education, Winneba, Central Region, has withdrawn 38 Level 100 students.

This was communicated via a letter dated March 7, 2025, signed by Dr Mohammed Adam, Acting Head of Department (HOD) and addressed to the Department of Social Studies Education (DSSE).

“This memo informs you that the attached list of students have been withdrawn from the University, effective immediately,” the letter said.

“This action is based on the said students’ failure to meet the minimum CGPA requirement of 1.0 and/or failed more than the permissible number of courses after resits, as stipulated in section 4.2.1 of the Revised Undergraduate Students Handbook (2019),” the letter explained.

“This decision was arrived at, after an audit and querying of both their First and Second Semesters Examinations results (2023/2024 Academic Year) were done and the affected students duly given counselling prior to their withdrawal.

“As a result, these students are ineligible to attend Level 200 lectures or take part in the Mid-Semester and End-of-Semester Examinations for Level 200 courses.”

The letter instructed, “Please ensure appropriate measures are taken to reflect these changes in your course register.

“The attached document details each student’s index number, name, and reason for withdrawal. Your prompt attention to this matter is crucial,” the letter noted.

Of the 38, 32 fell under the 1.0 CGPA, and the rest trailed more than three courses at the end of the 2023/2024 academic year.
