Thursday, 13 February

Successful 'uneducated business people' are educated in their fields; don't be misled: ACEYE CEO, entrepreneur

Emmanuel Acquah, co-founder at the Africa Centre for Entrepreneurship and Youth Empowerment (ACEYE)

Africa Centre for Entrepreneurship & Youth Empowerment (ACEYE) co-founder Emmanuel Acquah has reacted to movie star Rose Akua Attaa Tutugyagu Kyeiwaa’s fervent advice to the youth on education.

Kyeiwaa, in an Instagram video, bemoaned she was bearing some unfortunate consequences for not taking her formal education seriously. She appealed to the youth, especially, to take her story as a cautionary tale.

The advice “is not out of place,” Emmanuel Acquah said, speaking exclusively to Class News’ Prince Benjamin (PB).

He highlighted, also, that those who on the other hand have cited successful “business people” who famously dropped out of school, had little to no formal education, and “cannot speak or write good English,” also have a good point.

However, the entrepreneur advised caution.

“For all you know these business people – yes, you might think they are uneducated but the things they know about business, you have no idea. They get people to also educate them on areas of interest,” the ACEYE Chief Executive said.

He underlined, generally, “different [successful] people [appeal to] different target audiences”.

Ultimately, he advocated, “an individual must ask, ‘Which of these people do I identify with, and how relevant is their advice [or story] to my own happiness and economic prosperity, and all’”.

This introspection, he emphasised, was necessary to help align one’s self and goals with their role model’s story and principles to effectively reflect the perceived success or exceed it, even.

“When it comes to education, we have to also push the idea of freedom,” the economic freedom advocate asserted.

Notwithstanding, the author and business consultant concluded, “Either ways, anyone who is successful, one way or the other has some level of education – not necessarily speaking good English – but surely has some level of education, even about what they do that has guaranteed their prosperity.”

Source: Benjamin