Saturday, 27 July

Bawumia assures new Yagbonwura of gov’t’s support to settle all chieftaincy, territorial disputes peacefully

General News
Dr Bawumia and the new Yagbonwura

Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has assured the newly enskinned Yagbonwura of the Gonja State, Bii-Kunuto Jawu Soale, of Government’s support in his stated vision to settle all territorial and chieftaincy disputes peacefully.

Dr Bawumia gave the assurance when he attended the out-dooring ceremony of the new Yagbonwura in Damango on Tuesday, 21 March 2023, at the Jakpa Palace.

Dr Bawumia further congratulated the new Yagbonwura and wished him a healthy and long life.

Bii-Kunuto Jawu Soale succeeded the late Overlord Sulemana Tutumba Boresa I who died in February this year at age 90.

He was enskinned on Monday, 20 March 2023 at Nyange, the ancient traditional capital of the Gonja people in tandem with the enskinment processes of a Yagbonwura.

After the enskinment, the new Yagbonwura moved to Damongo and was out-doored on Tuesday, 21 March 2023 at the Jakpa Palace in Damongo.

Yagbonwura Bii-Kunuto Jawu Soale is expected to continue to hold Gonjaland together and enhance traditional governance among the various tribal groups in the area.

Before ascending to the highest chieftaincy skin of the Gonja Kingdom, Bii-Kunuto Jawu Soale was first enskinned as Jakpaseri-wura a sub-chieftaincy title in the Tuluwe Traditional Area.

He was later enskinned as Timanklan-wura from where he moved to Kachinako-wura before he was elevated to the entry gate to the Tuluwe skin as Bunda-wura.

He was later enskinned as the Paramount Chief for the Tuluwe Traditional Area of the Gonja Kingdom on 21st April 2020.
