Saturday, 27 July

V/R: Ho Municipal Hospital, Ho Teaching Hospital risk disconnection over ₵1.8m ECG debt

Health News
The Ho Teaching Hospital owes ECG GHS1,459,926.23 while the Ho Municipal Hospital owes GHS415,373.95

Two major hospitals in the Volta regional capital, Ho, have been issued disconnection notices by the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG).

Ho Teaching Hospital and Ho Municipal Hospital have six days to pay their debts or risk disconnection.

The hospitals owe the power-distributing company debt accrued from 2021 to date. 

The Ho Teaching hospital owes the ECG GHS1,459,926.23 while the Ho Municipal Hospital owes GHS415,373.95.

“Disconnection is usually a last resort in order to prevent customers from accruing more debt and to enable the company to collect more revenue to keep the electricity supply chain running,” Acting General Manager of the ECG in the Volta Region, Mr Michael Buabin noted.

He indicated that the power distributing company, “does not take pleasure in disconnecting customers.”

He, therefore, urged all customers of ECG to prioritise paying their electricity bills.

The ECG is currently embarking on a revenue mobilisation exercise across the nation.

ECG hopes to recover “100% of the entire GHȼ5.7 billion at the end of the nationwide exercise.”

Source: Adiku