Saturday, 27 July

NDC Youth Forum declares war against treacherous MPs

Minority Caucus

The National Democratic Congress' Youth Forum has called for a thorough investigation to fish out the 31 minority Members of Parliament (MPs) who flouted the party’s directive and voted for the president’s nominees during the secret voting last Friday in the august house.

In a statement issued in Accra and signed by the spokesperson of the Youth Forum, Mr Ransford Lartey, the group expressed the urgent need to identify these moles in NDC's parliamentary caucus and deal with them decisively before going into the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections.

“We don’t want them to keep stabbing us in our back and the earlier the National Executives deal with them, the better.

"These 31 MPs have no conscience and failed to consider the plight of Ghanaians by allowing their greed and parochial interest to lead them.

"We now know they are the main saboteurs of our great NDC party," the statement said.

"The nation of Ghana remembers the last time they disappointed the party as well as Ghanaians by passing Hawa Koomson, Ken Ofori-Atta et al and that has as a result put the nation in a mess, going around begging for debt forgiveness," the statement added.

The group urged the party hierarchy to make the findings of the investigation public, so delegates can vote them out during parliamentary primaries slated for Saturday, May 13, 2023. “We believe if this is done it would ensure one touch victory come December 2024."

The statement, among others, further urged the rank and file of the party to unite and give the National Executive Committee the maximum cooperation and support during this house cleansing exercise by providing useful and relevant pieces of information in this regard. 

"The forerunners of this great party have sacrificed a lot for this party, to the extent that some people even have lost their lives to make the NDC a major reputable political organisation. 

"Therefore, no individual greed and poisonous motive will be given room to destroy many years of pain and sleepless nights of the NDC party’s faithful," it stated.

"We maintain that nobody is bigger than our Great NDC party.

"We shall not fail this nation by endorsing this clueless New Patriotic Party and President Nana Addo's family and friends' government," it stressed.

Source: Mensah