Tuesday, 22 October

Comfort Ocran: An empowered woman who found purpose, fulfilment in love, marriage

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Entrepreneur, speaker and writer Comfort Ocran

Telling the story of how she met her husband, Comfort Aba Ocran has offered an interesting perspective on finding one’s unique purpose while being a marital helpmeet.

In doing so, the businesswoman, appeared to offer a refreshing balance between individualism and teamwork; empowerment and submission. 

The entrepreneur and writer told GHOne’s Natalie Fort about how she met her husband Rev Albert Ocran, fell in love, and discovered and honed her professional interests and skills.

The University of Ghana, Legon                                                                                  

“I’d say I met him serving,” she said. “At that time he [had] found a solution to a problem. A problem of: ‘How do we appreciate people?’”

Comfort said Albert was “doing wall hangings and I felt, ‘This thing needs to be marketed’.

“So I went and started marketing the products and selling the products. I was doing marketing and sales. It was a way of realising my own dream, whilst I support somebody realise his dream.”

She fondly remembered how busy and happy she was helping Albert at the time.

“So you can imagine Valentine's Day coming up; my room would be full of wall hangings [for] different young people, young ladies. [I was] sending [the hangings] around the campus. I was very busy and I was enjoying myself. So that is how we met.”

Apart from their small campus gig, she noted: “We were in the choir together. So we were singing together. We were serving there as well.”

Multiple streams and expansion

“I had always wanted to be in business,” Comfort Ocran emphasised.

“And I said that no matter what, even if I'm doing a 9 to five, I'd have a side hustle; that I would be able to create additional wealth for myself. At that age, I always believed in multiple streams of income. So I wanted to ensure that I practiced my belief. So when we decided that we were going to take the artifact business to another level – and this time it was printing – it was just a natural flow [for me] to go into the marketing part of the business. How else would people know that you're printing if you don't market it? So that's part of it.”

The power of teamwork

The Legacy & Legacy CEO noted, “Working as an individual has been fulfilling for me,” stressing, however, “Working as a couple has been amazing.”

“I think I've enjoyed the individual. But I think the adage goes: ‘If you want to do well, you go alone. But if you go together, you accomplish far more’. I think that has been so true in our marriage,” she added.

Cheerleading and criticising

“I always think that if I hadn't had the opportunity to marry him… I wonder where I would be, because he is my greatest cheerleading leader. He is the one who is very careful to criticise me. Not because he feels I would. But he wants to ensure that the criticism is more of how do you change. Constructive, yes.

“How do you change to ensure that you'll be able to get the outcomes you want to see? He is my highest, biggest, most consistent – words fail me – cheerleader. The person that is always in my corner. No matter how bad or good the thing has been. Because he is there. And I ensure that he knows how grateful that I am to have him in my life,” the Springboard Roadshow Foundation Executive Director eulogised.

Albert and Comfort Ocran wedded in 1993. 

| Comfort Ocran/Facebook (July 10, 2024): Comfort Ocran marked her 31st wedding anniversary with Rev Albert Ocran with this picture, captioned: "Thank you Albert [love, smile, laughter emojis] 31 years and counting"

Source: classfmonline.com/Prince Benjamin