Wednesday, 12 March

Drinking too much water can harm your kidneys: Dr Bright Okoh

Health News
Dr Bright Okoh of Greenfield Scientific Herbal Clinic

"Drinking water excessively can lead to kidney disorder," Dr Bright Okoh has cautioned.

His host Taller Dee on No.1 105.3 FM's Journey to Heaven drive-time programme exclaimed at this, revealing he had drank 4,500ml of water that day.

"Drinking three of the big bottles of water is not exactly excessive. There are people who want to drink a jerrican's worth of water with a hosepipe," Dr Okoh responded.

He explained drinking more water than is healthy puts "pressure on the kidneys.

"The kidney filters the water you drink, separating what your body needs from what will be flushed out in the form of urine. And overworking your kidneys is not good."

"Too much of everything is bad," he emphasised.

Dr Bright Okoh is the founder and lead consultant at the award-winning Greenfield Scientific Herbal Clinic in Nungua, a heavyweight in the alter­native medicine industry. He has more than two decades' experience as a herbal medicine prac­titioner.
