Monday, 17 February

A-Plus repents of his opposition to siren usage by politicians: 'I now understand'

Kwame A-Plus, Gomoa Central MP

Kwame Asare Obeng, alias A-Plus, the Gomoa Central MP, has repented of his opposition to politicians using sirens to beat traffic jams.

He related the incident that led to his change of mind to Lexis Bill on Joy FM.

“It’s not an easy task at all,” A-Plus said, before bringing up the 92nd National Convention (Jalsa) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim at Gomoa Pomadze.

Together with President John Mahama, he said, “I had to be at the convention and I had to be in parliament at the same time.”

The entertainer and entrepreneur said the situation brought to mind his vehement opposition of siren usage by parliamentarians last year.

This notwithstanding, he called “my friend” who is “a dispatch rider” requesting for his service.

“Please, I need you to take me out of this traffic and get me to the constituency now and bring me back to parliament,” A-Plus said he told his friend.

He said he had finally come to understand why politicians found sirens critical to their movement and discharge of duty.

“Can you imagine someone whose constituency is in say, Paga, and you have to go there with the president and then come back to parliament?” he cited as buttress.

“I think that I’m in a position to explain what happens and what parliamentarians go through very well to the public,” the newcomer MP and socio-political commentator concluded.

Source: Benjamin