Friday, 28 June

The National Amputee team deserve 20k dollars for winning the 2024 AAFCON- Admi Manager

Sports News
Black Challenge Team

The Administrative manager of the National Amputee team, Mohammed Huzair Hamis believes the Black Challenge deserve a cash reward of 20k dollars for winning the Amputee AFCON in Egypt. 

The team despite many challenges including buying the jerseys they wore at the tournament from Cantamanto managed to win all the six games in the tournament beating Morroco in the finals by two goals to one. 

Speaking to Accra Sports, the Administrative Manager said, the team has suffered enough to achieve this feat and thinks they deserve even more than the money he stated. 

"Our players have suffered a lot and they have given the country so much and to whom much is given much is expected. In three years, we have given Ghana two AFCON trophies and a trophy In the African Para games hosted in Accra.

For my players, I do not expect anything less than 20k dollars." 

The state is yet to announce a package for the team at the time this report is been filed. 



Source: Source: Jacob Narb