Saturday, 07 September

Samini vs Sarkodie collabo brouhaha: Samini reaped what he sowed – Iwan remembers collabo denials, selfishness in music industry

Iwan, Ghanaian Reggae/Dancehall star

Iwan has outlined some of the reasons “we A-list artistes don’t collaborate” often.

He spoke on Accra 100.5 FM’s after-drive programme, Akwaaba, revealing several musicians have declined collaborations with him.

The Reggae/Dancehall star told host Summy Brown, usually, artistes who do not only perform but also write their own songs “and are lyrists, have a sense of pride, and so they like to collaborate only with someone similar to them”.

Iwan said, in other instances, collaborations never happen for fear of a guest act outperforming their host.

The concern would be about who would have “the sickest verse” and “who would take over,” he explained.

The Thanks & Praise hitmaker decried this “competition mindset” which he said is not typical of him.

“Samini, is one of the persons I’m talking about. In the beginning, he was one of those artistes we chased for a collabo and he never gave us [one] until I became big. He had then seen that, even without his collabo, I was determined and progressing,” Iwan divulged.

“Now see as someone has done it to him,” he noted, emphasising, also, it is only natural to reap what one sows “in this world.”

The singer recalled when he was entering into the music industry, he had an innocent mindset. However, he soon observed everyone was “fighting for power, authority, territory, domain, rulership, kingship”.

Doing the opposite, he noted, “I dispersed the energy, and didn’t keep my energy to myself and my fans know it.”

He bemoaned how “my own colleagues” sideline him even when they organise Reggae events, while “in my prime, I had them on my shows as guest artistes”.

“I have plenty posters on Facebook as witness,” Iwan added.

He said he is “open to work” with Samini and others like him, noting his name implies a clean heart.

“Suhuyini, it’s a Dagomba word. It means, one heart,” the artiste nicknamed Lyrical Gunshot explained.

The University of Ghana, Legon, alumnus asserted his longevity, noting the secret is his mindset to go the long haul, unlike others, and not just to reign for “just five years and fall off. I intend to sing till my voice is ruined”.

IWAN (I Win Always Naturally), famed as the inaugural winner of a Reggae/Dancehall award in Ghana, now goes by the name Iwan Suhuyini. 

In 2023, Samini, greatly pained, ranted on media interviews about how Sarkodie ignored him several times when he asked the latter to guest on a song of his.  

Source: Benjamin