Saturday, 27 July

Work stalls on Obetsebi Lamptey interchange | Contractor says no money – Abossey Okai spare part dealers

General News
Obetsebi Lamptey interchange

Spare parts dealers at the Abossey Okai near Kaneshie in the Greater Accra Region have said the contractor working on the Obetsebi Lamptey interchange has left the site citing the lack of funding for the project as his reason.

The Resident Engineer of the FAS Consult Limited, Owusu Sekyere Antwi, earlier this year told the Daily Graphic that the workforce at the construction site had reduced due to some financial constraints, which could affect the March 2023 completion date.

Speaking to the host of Ghana Yensom morning show, Odeyeeba Kofi Essuman, on Accra 100.5 FM on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, on the state of work on the project; the National Public Relations Officer of the Concerned Spare Parts Dealers Association, Mr Takyi Addo, explained that residents and traders are reeling as a result of the stoppage of work on the project. 

He said leadership confronted the contractor on why the work has stalled and he said there is no money.

He called on the government to do the needful by looking for the money for the contractor to come to the site and complete the project.

"As it stands, the project has become a nuisance to residents and traders in the area," he argued.

"Because of the project, the area floods at the least downpour," he indicated.

"The delays in the project have slowed business in the area. And those who were promised compensation as a result of some properties that were demolished to make way for the project have also not been paid," he said.

He added that leadership is planning to start some individual contributions to commence work on some of the roads that have been left to deteriorate and, thus, are affecting businesses in the area.

He reminded his colleagues to deal with the situation because they made the wrong choice in the last elections.

Source: Mensah