Friday, 28 June

6th edition of ‘Love and Laughter Yes I Can Games’ launched

Sports News
At the launch

The Simon Agbotsu Foundation for the Young Disabled, in collaboration with the Go Get Them Racing Club, has launched the 6th edition of the “Love and Laughter Yes I Can Games.”

The event is scheduled to take place at the Accra Sports Stadium on Saturday, June 22, from 7 am to 5 pm.

This year's games aim to bring together differently-abled individuals to participate in various para sports, including but not limited to para boxing and para cycling. The event seeks to inspire and provide hope to participants, encouraging them to consider careers in sports.

"It's about getting the physically challenged person who has no hope at all or who doesn't think he or she has a career to one day wake up and say, 'I have got a career in sports,'" stated Mr. Felix Agbotsu, CEO of the foundation, highlighting the main reason for the event.

Mr. Agbotsu further emphasised the event's significance, noting that it led to the hosting of the first Para African Sports in Ghana, which has positively impacted the lives of para-athletes in the country.

The 6th edition of the "Love and Laughter Yes I Can Games" promises to be an exciting event, and the public is encouraged to attend in large numbers to support the participants. The event is open and free to the public.




Source: Narbi