Friday, 18 October

Police allegedly pepper-spray protesters at "Hands Off Our Hotels" demonstration

Hands off our hotels demonstrators

Four participants of the "Hands Off Our Hotels" demonstration were allegedly pepper-sprayed by police personnel during an altercation.

The incident occurred when demonstrators attempted to proceed beyond the Christ The King Church, the agreed endpoint of the protest.

 According to reports, tensions escalated as the police tried to prevent the protesters from crossing the designated finish line.

Some protesters reportedly threw sachets of water at the police, leading to the officers' response with pepper spray.

Personnel from the Ambulance Service were present and provided first aid to the affected individuals. 

However, their identities have not yet been established.

A video obtained from the scene by shows a young man on the ground receiving assistance from fellow demonstrators.

The "Hands Off Our Hotels" demonstration, aimed at protecting local hospitality businesses, saw heightened emotions as participants clashed with law enforcement over the route of their march. The incident underscores the ongoing tensions between protestors and police in public demonstrations.

Source: Mensah