Saturday, 27 July

Francis-Xavier Sosu rallies support to aid Madina market fire victims

General News
The official flyer for Madina MP Francis-Xavier Sosu's donation drive for the Madina market fire victims

Francis-Xavier Sosu ESQ has launched a heartfelt appeal to people across the nation to assist victims of the devastating fire outbreak at the Madina market in Accra.

The fire engulfed several stalls in the bustling market, leaving many traders and vendors without livelihoods, facing uncertain futures.

Through a dedicated initiative, individuals can now extend a helping hand by simply dialing *928*220# on any network to donate funds towards the rehabilitation and support of the affected victims. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in the lives of those grappling with the aftermath of this calamity.

Francis-Xavier Sosu emphasised the importance of solidarity and collective action during times of crisis. He underscored the resilience of the Madina community and the urgent need for assistance to help rebuild what has been lost.

"I urge fellow Ghanaians to join hands in this humanitarian effort to alleviate the suffering of our brothers and sisters affected by the Madina market fire," expressed Sosu. "Together, we can provide the much-needed support and hope for a brighter tomorrow."

The Madina market is a vital hub for economic activity, serving not only the local community but also attracting visitors from across the Greater Accra region, and others. The recent fire has dealt a severe blow to the livelihoods of countless individuals and families who rely on the market for their daily sustenance.

As the recovery and reconstruction efforts begin, the generosity and compassion of the Ghanaian people are crucial in helping the affected community rebuild and regain their footing. Mr Sosu's call for support is a testament to the spirit of unity and compassion that defines the nation in times of adversity.

To make a donation and stand in solidarity with the Madina market fire victims, simply dial *928*220# on any network, follow the prompt, and make a difference in someone’s life.

Together, let us extend a helping hand and demonstrate the power of unity and compassion in overcoming adversity and rebuilding stronger communities.
