Monday, 13 January

Give us date to submit anti-gay bill: Parliament writes to Jubilee House

Nana Asante Bediatuo is President Nana Akufo-Addo's Executive Secretary

Parliament has formally pressed the Office of the President for a specific timeline regarding the transmission of the Human Sexual and Family Values Bill for presidential assent.

This development follows a directive from Nana Bediatuo Asante, the secretary to President Akufo-Addo, issued on March 18, urging Parliament to withhold presenting the bill, commonly referred to as the anti-LGBT+ bill, to the President.

This request was made pending the resolution of related legal matters currently under consideration by the Supreme Court.

Acknowledging the President's office's request to pause the bill's advancement, Mr Cyril K. O. Nsiah, the Clerk to Parliament, communicated in a letter dated April 10, 2024, the need for the President's office to specify a date for Parliament to present the bill for the President's consideration.

The letter underscored the constitutional obligation under Article 106(7) of the Constitution, 1992, prompting the request for clarity on when the Human Sexual and Family Values Bill, 2024, should be formally submitted to His Excellency the President.


“Accordingly, I await an indication in writing from your office on when to present the Human Sexual and Family Value Bill, 2024 to His Excellency the President for his consideration, pursuant to Article 106(7) of the Constitution, 1992”, the letter read.
